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Temple Latest Important Project


Updated: Jul 3, 2022

The Mondul Ottawa Khmer Buddhis Monastery, Bodhikaram Temple have been growing from time to time and moved from one place to other places. It is now situated in the large property with 2 acres land size at 4537 Hawthorne Road, Ottawa, ON. This place is the appropriate location to be built as a Buddhist temple permanently.

We, the monks, Board of Directors and adviser have made decision with agreement and prepared the application to apply for the Zoning Bylaw so that we can use this place to be a Buddhist Temple without any unexpected issue.

" Why you need a zoning bylaw?

A Zoning Bylaw:

  • implements the objectives and policies of a municipality’s official plan

  • provides a legal and precise way of managing land use and future development

  • in addition to the official plan, protects you from conflicting and possibly dangerous land uses in your community" Zoning bylaws:

To apply for zoning bylaw, we have to get ready with the amount of fund approximately $35,000 for the application and other requirements. As Bodhikaram Temple is the charity and Non-profit Organization surviving by donation from generous donors and supporters, we would like to ask you for helping with less or more donation to get this project done successfully.

Your donations, however small or large, are very much encouraged and deeply appreciated.



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